Thursday, December 24, 2009

Christmas: Light in the Midst of Darkness

When I was in naval aviator training, one of the tests for night vision was to put us in a room that was completely and totally dark. You could not see any movement by moving your hand in front of your eyes-- none. Never had been in complete and total darkness before or since. Then what seemed like a microscopic green light would appear somewhere in the room and then a red. Then the lights would appear at different spots. We had to push a button to indicate the direction of the light. Those who could not see the lights were taken out later for more testing. The amazing thing was how such a tiny light could make such a difference.

I've used this as a metaphor many times to illustrate what I think of God-- Light, Love, and Life is what I define as God-- He, She, or It.

If your life is filled with bright lights this Christmas, give thanks. If your life is surrounded by darkness this Christmas, I hope you find some light in the midst of the darkness which is what I think Christmas is all about.

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