Friday, November 27, 2009

Taking The Leap of Faith

It was the noted theologian and scholar, Paul Tillich, who
referred to the Christian experience as a "leap of faith."
What he meant was, you can never know for sure, can never have
all the answers, before or after you act. You just make a choice
and take the leap.

That's a great metaphor of life about most aspects of living.
Amidst the ambiguity, ambivalence, and anxiety, well integrated
people learn to act. They celebrate their successes, learn from
their mistakes, grieve normally about their losses, and take the
next leap.

There's an ancient proverb that says, "Leap and the net will
appear." And I would add, "sometimes." Sometimes the net
appears and sometimes you fall on your face. But well adjusted
people keep leaping anyway.

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