A wretched soul, bruised with adversity, We bid be quiet when we hear it cry; But were we burdened with like weight of pain, As much or more we should ourselves complain.
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Having done this blog for the past year, it's time to do some evaluating and possibly make some changes. So, I'd like your feedback regarding the content you like, dislike, and/or would like to see in this space.
Since 1966, I have functioned in some official capacity as a psychotherapist, minister, or counselor. In that period of time, I have logged more than 50,000 hours of listening to people from forty-two states and eighteen foreign countries.
In addition, I was in the pastoral ministry for thirteen years, ten of which was spent in one church. Prior to entering the ministry, I served as a Naval Aviation Officer. I joined the Navy to see the world and spent three years in Florida! Nonetheless, those three years were invaluable to me personally and professionally. The value of my military experience was equal to a post-graduate degree.
In addition to my work as a psychotherapist, I enjoy conducting seminars, conferences, and key-note addresses to corporations, civic groups, churches, and counseling centers.
For eight years, I was Associate Director of the Burlingame (California) Counseling Center.
Since 1987, I have directed the Doyle Family Counseling Center in Memphis, Tennessee.
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