Monday, March 16, 2009

Cleaning Up the Mess

His name is Max Chase and he owns the Point of Rocks Guest Ranch
at Emigrant Gap, Montana, right where A River Runs Through It was
filmed. He's been leading hunting parties and fly fishing trips
for 30 years. He's independent, opinionated, a good business
man, was the Montana fly fishing champion a few years back, and
he was our fishing guide on the Yellowstone River.

One afternoon, while in some swift current, Chad saw an aluminum
can in the edge of the water and pointed it out. Max Chase, with
a few choice words, began rowing against the current with all
his might to retrieve that can. After 10-15 minutes, we got close
enough that I could grab a willow limb, while Max used the oars,
and Chad got out in the water and picked up the can. With the
trash in hand, I said, "Max, was it worth it?" He laughed and
said, "Oh yeah, definitely!" And after a few more choice words,
we resumed our fishing.

Oh, I forgot to tell you, Max Chase loves life, liberty, family,
and mother earth. And he loves these things enough that he's
willing to clean up someone else's mess.

Is that maybe the true test of real love? Agape-love. That we
love enough to clean up someone else's mess.

A lot of people who get into therapy are learning to clean up the
mess someone else made in their lives. It's hard work and you
may say a few choice words along the way but it's definitely
worth it.

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