Friday, February 6, 2009


In her classic story, The Velveteen Rabbit, Margery Williams has the skin horse to say, "Once you're real, you can never be unreal again."

What a powerful description of what it means to take off our masks, drop our labels, prejudices, denials, and defenses.

Far too often, to dodge disapproval, we squelch our true opinions; from the fear of rejection, we silence our beliefs; to avoid confrontation we sacrifice our personal truth.

Which means we accept the slavery of unreal living to avert rejection and disapproval. But living that isn't real, isn't iving at all.

One of the great satisfactions of being a therapist, comes through seeing people set aside the bondage of masks, labels, and defenses and emerge as real, never to be unreal again.

It could happen to you.

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