Monday, August 18, 2008


He was 45 years old, had three earned doctorates, was president of a prestigious private college , which was his alma mater and his life-long dream.

He came in for intensive therapy, in his words, "Because I still feel like a 12-year-old boy trying to get my father's approval." He went on, "No matter what I did, it was never enough for my father. And as an adult, after each of my achievements, I feel good about myself for a brief period, then the cloud of despair settles in and I feel like I did at age 12, inadequate, inferior, and hopeless."

Like so many in our culture, this man had been taught that the sunlight of self-esteem would shine brightly through the window of academia and accomplishment. But it isn't so. High achievement is never a permanent cure for a man or woman with a father wound.

The man in this story found some healing for his father wound, with a stroke of sanity, so can you.

Friday, August 8, 2008

Now That's a Bar-be-que Grill!!!


Few things die harder than a bad idea. Reason being, so often a bad idea is rooted in the core part of our life script, woven into the inner fabric of who we are. If you'll pardon the trendy metaphor-- A bad idea may be programmed onto the hard drive of our personalities.

Die-hard bad ideas that I've heard in therapy include:

1. Marrying the right person will make you happy. Bad idea.
2. Getting a good education will make you happy. Bad idea.
3. Finding a good job will make you happy. Bad idea.
4. Acquiring lots of possessions, will make you happy. Bad idea.
5. Having children will make you happy. Bad idea.

Happiness is an inside job that never comes permanently from many of our die-hard, bad ideas.

Few things die harder than a bad idea. If one is contributing to your unhappiness, get a reality check, have a stroke of sanity-- get some help.